Thursday, September 17, 2009

More often than not

The best things are said by someone else!! :) Oh my how this prayer deeply inspires me! Written by some guy named Scott Smith that I just so happened to be 'lucky enough' to find today!

“To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance” (Jude 1-2).

Glorious Triune God, on this Lord’s Day I’m smitten afresh with gospel-astonishment. As I ponder your immeasurable and irrepressible goodness towards me, and all your people, in Jesus I’m driven to silence and compelled to shout, all at the same time! Truly, you are unrelenting in your attention, lavish in your affections, and extravagant in your provision.

You didn’t just invite me to become a Christian, you called me and adopted me as your own child. Now I call you, Abba, Father, as the Holy Spirit continues to free my heart from its orphan-like ways. Thank you Father, that because of the work of Jesus, you will never love me more than you do today and you will never love me less! What wondrous love is this indeed!

Lord Jesus, help me to grasp your grasp of me. I am both kept by you and for you. Nothing can pull me from your hand, nor tear me from your heart, Jesus. Many times this seems too good to be true, but it is all the assurance that I need to face the rest of my life, even the next hour.

Indeed, Holy Spirit, bring from the throne of grace into my heart and story, an abundance of mercy, for I am a foolish man; peace, for I am a broken man; and love, for I am a selfishness man. Be praised on this Lord’s Day, and every day, O glorious and grace-full God! Very gratefully, Amen!

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