Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Perfect Timing!

The inspiration to blog about my next adventure in Rwanda, a day that has changed the course of my life every hour since, is rapidly rising inside my soul and ready to bubble over like a boiling kettle on gramma's stovetop. Yesterday I was just enthused beyond description and deeply feeling the soul ties I have to Rwanda. I thought once I arrived home from work I'd find time to sit down at the computer and lose myself deep into the passionate heavenly beats of my heart I call "The Best Family" but minute after minute escaped me and soon my night was long gone and there was no time. FINALLY the excitement has returned the moment has arrived for me to reconnect the bond that felt so distant weeks ago. It's come in full force and when I arrived to my email inbox this morning, I seen the missing pieces of this puzzle that I so desperately needed to truly advocate for my dearest Best Family was here, awaiting me kindly from Jean Claude like a divinely wrapped gift sent in God's perfect timing straight to my inbox. Now I know without doubt why I didn't find that spare minute last night or any day the past 2-3 weeks to begin this blog post ~ it was premature and now I say with honor...the time has come for me to reveal an amazing gem coming from the streets of Rwanda, like no other story I have had the privilege of hearing, seeing or dare to imagine be present to share living in. It's a God kind of story that no matter where you stand in your faith journey, God will touch you through these lives I'm about to reveal and share ~ for these children and young men are what legends are made of and God uses lives such as theirs because humility and blind faith are their greatest virtues! He uses the weak to make Him strong!

So today I begin my long, long, long over-do quest of capturing the nail biting, heart palpitating, tear jerking, soul quaking experience I had inside an empty school room with God's magnificent few. The very lives that have redefined my values, my purpose and my dreams in this short time I have here on earth. The very lives that God has knitted into my heart's purpose for beating. The very lives that I have been overwhelmed, undereducated and blindly fumbling along sharing their story, opening doors and hearts along the way as God has graciously designed to use me and my idiosyncrasies to try and move mountains on their behalf!

TODAY!!! I dance like a child in the aisles of Toys R Us for the moment has finally arrived and it tickles my soul with delight! TODAY! ~ I begin to document this as justly as possible with my meager words and see where God leads us all from there! Did ya hear me ~ I said TODAY'S THE DAY!!

Stay most likely with be a very, very long post so I will be back with all the amazing details once I've confined them to words, sentences & paragraphs!

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