Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end and the beginning...

I'm not going to get all deep about the ending of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 mostly because, I don't have to this book of mine does it so much better and in less words than anything I would write! These were words that greeted me today and they sent my mind to that deep place whereas my heart tagged along too. So I want to share them here, just in case it touches one of you the way it touches me...

Take a Good Look

If you've never studied astronomy, you could look at the stars all night long and never know anything about them. However, if you were to get a star chart and a telescope, those little points of light would take on more meaning and significance. It's the same with the places where God is working in your life. If you don't make an effort to know God, you'll miss out on the amazing things God is doing right now and wants to do in your future.

May grace and peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Galatians 1:3

Wow, how these words sum up my current state of mind just perfectly and I love this scripture to end one magnificent year growing, learning, serving and loving Christ!

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