Monday, March 16, 2009

Focus on Fasting

Here's the posted FSLF "dare" for this week, ya ready:

Fasting from Judgement!

OOOH, I like this one! It's one I work on pretty much non-stop since reading Bait of Satan by John Bevere! It's actually an inner challenge I REALLY LOVE! Who's in it with me?

BTW: How did ya do last week? I'll be the first to admit I had some failures..okay, ya got me...a lot...but I did seem to recognize just about every time I complained ~ right after I just finished complaining ~ eek! Work in progress, work in progress [that's my inner motivational speaker trying to encourage my self-esteem to keep trying even though I'm apparently a big ole complainer!] ha!

1 comment:

Jen said...

This is way harder then I thought. I didn't know I passed judgment so much! ARG!!