Monday, March 30, 2009

Focus on Fasting

Fasting from Anger and Unforgiveness

(GULP!) I'm ready ~ you?

Reflection ?'s:
~If I fast from anger what can I replace it with? (I'm praying for snickers! hee hee)

~Why is forgiveness so difficult for me?

~What connection is there between my anger and my being unwilling to forgive?

Scripture: John 12:24
"Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit."

Wow, how I LOVE these words!

~ Can you recall a time in your life when this passage was a reflection of what was happening for you? "I can answer this in one word (although it has a deep definition, including many chapters) = infertility"

~ Can you name the "fruit" that was produced from this experience? "Fruit so sweet I can barely stand to share it = Zachary & Boston."


1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hey there's a cool quote I read last night...

"Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free...only to find out the prisoner is you."

I love it!