Monday, August 4, 2008

In preparation...

Hang on my friends for this ride is about to get a little bumpy for some of you (if it isn’t already!). All I can say in comfort to those who are already uncomfortable is I remember when I couldn't even see the fence and I also remember when I reached the point of standing with one leg on both sides of the fence, hanging on to what I “knew” and longing for more of what was being “offered” to me (like a carrot on a stick! Holy MOLY!). I came to a point on this journey where I couldn’t have both anymore and the lure over to this side was too great to ever choose to go back to what I “knew”. SO I JUMPED ~ like the kids off the cliff in that music video I showed back in June!

I KNOW this is going to stretch a lot of you and I know some of what I will share in the next week will be hard to consume as reality and truly if I had not experienced it myself I too may want to dismiss it as a “Maria tale”. I assure you my friends that when I decided a few months before this trip to jump with both feet over to THIS SIDE of the fence I found that incredible feeling of free-falling ~ when your feet never have to land ~ to be a permanent status = FLYING [without being trapped inside a plane!] There’s never a limitation on what you can expect out of life and that is only a gift our heavenly Father can give us. But He needs your heart in return, all of it, no strings attached, no limitations or fears or sacrifice too great and I think that’s more than a fair trade! It most definitely was for me ~ it was like trading an old unused pile of cold bricks for a brand new home! It takes a scary leap of faith though to stop “riding the fence” and choose a side ~ I’m soooo glad I chose to jump because I have never known the true definition of words like: beautiful, inner peace, happiness, miraculous, love, comfort and spirituality UNTIL NOW and how feeling all these attributes abundantly blessing our life every second of every day is what God truly desires for each of us. These gifts are just WAITING FOR US until we decide we’re ready for them ~ heart and soul. What a gift indeed ~ it even sits on the shelf waiting until you decide to open the box! :)

So I want to share with you some very inspiring words that I read recently out of my next over-the-top awesomely inspiring book by Heidi Baker, titled “Expecting Miracles”. (I think the title might be giving a little too much away here!) I think these words will help prep you for the way I will be speaking about the next series of events that unfolded during our trip in Africa. If the following paragraphs scare the crap out of you ~ well then strap your seatbelts on ~ because I found these words to be the exacts thoughts that I couldn’t seem to capture on paper!! Here are some great excerpts that will help you soften your heart and open your soul to the stories that I will soon be sharing.

From the book “Expecting Miracles”:

“Life Principles: Fresh Bread!

More than the food and drink we need to live, we need fresh bread from heaven. We need the bread of life that only Jesus can provide - His glorious presence. Those who are spiritually hungry will be satisfied as they eat and drink of Jesus. My prayer is constantly that God would give us such a hunger for Him, and that He would pour out the healing of His Holy Spirit on all who are desperate for Him. We need to WELCOME SUCH HUNGER. We need to be like helpless little children before our Savior, giving Him full and absolute control of every area of our lives. Then we will know that, truly, Jesus is more than enough…

…We don’t comprehend how much of God’s presence is available to us. Jesus so wants to fill us with His Spirit that there will be always more than enough. Not for us to selfishly consume ourselves, but to give away! Jesus wants to fill us to overflowing so that His presence will touch every single person who crosses our path in life.

Often, we are so spiritually malnourished that we have nothing to offer anyone. We are weak vessels because we spend all our resources chasing after that which is not satisfying. But we need the presence of God more than we need anything else in life. It is only His presence that will truly satisfy us. God is looking for the people who are hungry enough for Him alone that they will be able to feed a nation with His presence.

Anyone who is desperate enough for Jesus will be satisfied! Thank God there is nothing in ourselves that we can do to earn this provision – it has been paid for already! But we need a hungry heart to receive it. And when we do, Jesus multiplies whatever He pours into us until we find ourselves feeding others – the spiritually desperate and starving. He wants to place something of Himself in our hand that will be a provision to many.

We live in a broken world. Jesus wants us to notice and help those around who are so in need of His presence. He wants us to reach out to them. But we can’t go to them empty-handed. We need the fresh bread of His presence to feed the starving.”

ARE YA STILL WITH ME? I surely hope so because these paragraphs do more justice to describing this child-like journey to Jesus I’ve been on than any words I’ve attempted to capture. I nod YES uncontrollably and giggle like a school girl when I read every single word from that book I just quoted! I have been absolutely undone by the love of Jesus!! My stories that will follow from this point onward will be the kind that will never need MY “touch of flare” to spice them up. The kind of tales you all are so accustomed to hearing from me in the past ~ you know my writing tendencies, I like to keep your interest! The encounters I’ve had face to face with Jesus in Africa are all the story I can handle ~ to relive these moments for your benefit are emotionally EXHAUSTING but I can’t keep these goodies to myself, they are for US ALL to experience a little bit of Jesus! I swear my friends I have not completely fallen off my rocker ~ it’s just so hard not to fall hopelessly in love with faith and the whole works when Jesus shows His face to you and He beats inside your heart!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

"it’s just so hard not to fall hopelessly in love with faith and the whole works when Jesus shows His face to you and He beats inside your heart!"